5 personal growth books to read this summer
By: Silvia Pato Galician writer and editor
Books on personal growth and psychology are always a success to learn to know ourselves better and properly manage our emotions, if we choose those really based on this discipline and based on professionals.

- Emotional intelligence (Daniel Goleman)
In this work you will discover the bases of what is known as emotional intelligence, since being intelligent is not only about storing knowledge or having a high IQ.
Emotional intelligence and its neurological bases are closely related to our personal well-being, the capacity for empathy and the management of conflicts of our emotions.

- Think fast, think slow Daniel Kahneman (Editorial Debate)
Kahneman readily exposes the two methods that the brain uses to make decisions and think: one slow, logical, and deliberative, and the other impulsive and intuitive. Discovering which one we use the most and in which situations will not only help us to know ourselves better but also, to understand which one we should use in each of the situations in our life.

- An attack of lucidity (Jill Taylor) (Editorial Debate)
A book to read in just one afternoon. You will acquire knowledge that will help you grow as a person and learn from other experiences, through a pleasant and emotional reading.

- Overcoming adversity: the power of resilience (Luis Rojas Marcos) (Editorial Espasa Calpe)
The work focuses on this fundamental characteristic for our development as resilience: the ability to overcome the hardest difficulties and traumas by facing pain, and drawing strength and resistance from it to move forward and adapt to the different circumstances that we face.

- Self-control (Kelly McGonigal) (Ediciones Urano)
In this reading, the psychologist offers answers to all the questions that you have asked yourself more than once.
The author uses the latest scientific discoveries in neuroscience, medicine and psychology to explain how our willpower works and how it significantly influences our well-being. The book has exercises and offers strategies if you need to change your habits.
Fuente: www.enpositivo.com