TIPS to improve the online class experience
By Mtra. Marcela Altamirano Head Master Colegio Celta Internacional
Online education represents great challenges and opportunities, and to obtain better results, I share with you important tips related to three areas:

- We are all learning, do not lose hope and if you have any questions, we have available different tutorials to support you, do not hesitate to contact our Systems’ department who will gladly provide you with the support needed. Likewise, both on the ZOOM and TEAMS’ web pages you can find tutorials related to all the doubts you may have.
- We have observed that the use of headphones during classes is of great help, as they allow greater concentration by being isolated from other noises.
- Have enough light in the assigned area to take classes.
- Ensure that the devices to be used have enough battery or that they are connected, check this the night before the class.

It is vital to help our students create space and time limits so they know when school time begins and ends. Some suggestions are:
• Assign a special area for virtual and school classes, this will help to maintain concentration and reduce the amount of external interference. You can set up a support table or even if you wish, we can gladly lend you a desk to take your classes. If you are interested, contact our Operations Director, Luis Altamirano.
• Even if your children do not go to school, promote the use of their backpacks as storage for their supplies and books so that they can keep everything in one place.
• The recommendation is that they do not lock themselves in their rooms, that the door is always open.
• Open curtains and windows, allow plenty of light and fresh air into the study area.
• At the end of each day, make sure your children leave the area completely tidy and clean. Those are very important habits. Remember that physical chaos generates stress and distraction.
• Create a specific schedule for school activities.

• At the end of each day, talk with your children about what they liked the most about the day, what they learned, what was their experience, how do they feel, how have they improved.
• Any unusual behavior that you could identify, please report it as soon as possible to the department of psychopedagogy of your section/area.
• Promote leisure activities in your homes using technology to be in contact with more people, this will help reduce stress, remember that social distancing is not the same as social isolation and we must avoid it at all costs. Remember that as an option to this challenge we have the “All Access Boars Program”, organized by the FID area.