Newsletter Prepa Celta October 2020
It is a pleasure to greet you and inform you about the activities that we will carry out in the following month.

On September 28 and 29, the Lexium tests will be applied to students in 10th and 12th grade, with the aim of mapping intellectual and socio-emotional skills in students in order to draw lines of action that allow us to enhance them individually, based on the profile of each one.

Virtual visits to universities
Aware of the importance of properly choosing a professional career, and given the great educational offer that exists, we continue with the dynamics of conducting guided visits to universities. Given the context in which we find ourselves, the dynamics have had to change and it is in this context that we will make virtual visits to the different higher education institutions.

- October 5 will be a visit to the UPAEP University (Popular Autonomous University of Puebla) by the 10th grade students

- October 8th, visit to the University of Navarra by 10th and 11th grade students

- October 8th, 12th grade students visit the EBC (Banking and Commercial School), where they will participate in workshops aimed at improving financial education..

- October 23 will be the visit to ITAM (Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México) 10th, 11th and 12th.
In addition, we have other important activities for vocational guidance such as:
I am pre college student

This dynamic, which will take place on October 20, consists of classes taught by professors from the universities with which we have an agreement and are aimed at providing a broad overview of the different academic lines. All Prepa Celta students participate in mixed groups of the three grades, which participate in six work sessions, so that everyone can participate in all sessions.
This is the Prepa Celta

On the same October 20, the activity «This is the Celtic High School» will take place, where the 9th grade students are invited to participate in model academic activities that the High School teachers have prepared to publicize the High School.
Open minded
From Claudia Molleda’s desk. (CP Coordinator)

Today I want to talk about something that I really like about CP, the Service-Learning core. I have had the opportunity to talk with the 11th graders about what SERVICE means, we talked about the importance of creating a local project that will ultimately impact globally. It would be incredible to see how having a well designed and thoughtful project generates a change in the lives of many other human beings.
Through Service Learning it is possible for students to put into practice the knowledge they acquire in their subjects, especially in Career-Related Studies, but also achieving awareness, self-management, communication, open-mindedness, etc.

The Service-Learning class has also reviewed the importance of reflection in the model and why it is important to investigate the needs of the place where they want to carry out their activities. It is not about imposing a project, but that it is really useful for the people to whom it will be supported. This core component of the Programme is linked to all other subjects, especially Personal and Professional Skills, where they will learn such important topics as ethics, intercultural understanding, self-esteem, etc. and that they will put into practice this empathy exercise with other people.

An example of service in a school in India, tasks such as cleaning a river, “the objective of the activity was to examine the problem of water pollution. Welcomed by nauseating gases and piles of plastic waste, and equipped with shovels and determination, our fearless students worked tirelessly to clean up a part of the riverbank”(IB, 2020).
We invite you to learn more about this project, by consulting the following link: