Elementary Newsletter November 2020
As part of the Halloween and Day of the Dead celebration activities, 1st, 2nd, and 5th-grade students participated in very creative activities, music videos, and legend storytelling.
Congratulations to the students who participated. We also want to thank Miss Mar for her enthusiasm and leadership in these projects, which our students love so much.

We just finished our first interview period, we thank teachers and psychologists for the work done, to the parents for their support and congratulate students on their progress and commitment to schoolwork.

Although the multiplication tables are introduced in second grade, it is necessary to review them for the rest of primary education. The key to their learning is to make it easier for the student in their memorizing process and to fulfill the five essential elements of the IB.
For students to understand what the concept of multiplication is, also, what they are for, face them to solve situations of practical life, and exercise their memory based on different means, there are a variety of resources for all learning styles: songs, visuals, board games, apps, etc.
Finally, when students successfully solve mathematical situations, their interest in learning will increase, and with it, the confidence to be able to face new challenges.
Here are some links of interest :

Sometimes we can think that they are the same but there is a subtle difference between one and the other.
When we talk about language acquisition, we are describing the subconscious process in which a person acquires the languages without paying attention to the grammar rules or writing convention. You just need a source of natural communication, which normally is your mom or your dad; it means your family or close social circle. Therefore, you just repeat what you hear in the way you hear it.

On the other hand, we have language learning. It is when there is a specific moment given to learn the language; this presupposes a conscious state and disposition of the person to learn the writing and language conventions, which means that the person will learn the phonology, morphology and syntax of a language. It means that we learn the rules of a language.
What do we do at Colegio Celta? Our students have the opportunity to live both, learning and acquiring the language. Because our classes are designed in such a way, in which they have an environment to live the language and then they will learn the conventions. This helps our students to listen, practice, and produce in natural way.
“The individual is not born a member of society, is born with a predisposition towards society and then becomes a member of society” -Berger & Luckmann-
Today, we can recognize that relationship between human beings has had a new field of communication, thus allowing an adjustment to the process of socialization through technology.

In all eras and all our formal agents (family, school, society), socialization has been a consequence of the set of interactions between individuals or groups.
We know that each generation (children, adolescents, young people, and adults) and each social group seek various alternatives that allow them to find benefits or maintain such interaction in their different contexts.
Have you looked for playful alternatives to stay in touch with your loved ones (family, friends) even with social distancing?
Continuing to look for options, even if conditions are different, will help you perceive emotions that may come close or similar to your previous experiences.
These circumstances have probably forced you to transform communication with your loved ones. For example, by continuing to celebrate a birthday, listening to the latest events of your family members, or having the opportunity to share your feelings by mentioning how much you love or miss them.
This modification may have also been reflected in your social groups by having now, a new virtual routine.
Did you know that different options will allow us to continue communicating with our loved ones (family, friends, colleagues)?

Video calls: allow us to see and listen to people, getting to know information about how they have felt or what they do with a great approach. Many families have decided to have various ways to celebrate, their festivities, and doing entertaining activities: creating funny videos, plays, songs, reading circles.
Video Games: is another alternative that allows you to have the opportunity to meet through playful activities, maintain communication, distract us, and overcome boredom with people of the same age. In this matter, it is secure to establish direct or indirect supervision of parents and schedules.

Online games: hold meetings through platforms that allow you to play. For example, Pictionary, Trivial, Who is Who, tell jokes, make paper costumes, create a magic show, dancing, singing, fashion show, anything that involves fun to share with family and friends online. These strategies reduce stress through fun, entertainment, and laughter.
There are countless options to keep in touch with your family and friends. The more creative and diverse those alternatives are, then you can gain emotional balance and reinforce the socialization techniques that you have already managed to establish in you.
Recuerda que sigue siendo muy necesario fortalecer tus habilidades de comunicación y de autocontrol. También es importante tu bienestar emocional a través de la socialización a distancia desde casa.
There are countless options to keep in touch with your family and friends. The more creative and diverse those alternatives are, then you can gain emotional balance and reinforce the socialization techniques that you have already managed to establish in you.
What means are you using to socialize with your loved ones (family, friends) from home?
The space that children with psychopedagogy have has been useful not only for children to have time for social relationships and expression with their peers and psychologists, but they have also worked different elements of our emotional nature. When we have a chance to understand how we function, we have clarity about what happens with our emotions.
If we consider a social point of view, you will agree with me that society still has a way to go in the capacity for self-regulation. We are pointed out by the increasing figures on domestic violence and social crime. It would not even be necessary to point out those levels of aggression. The quality of experience is remarkable when you have friendly treatment even in situations where a solution is demanded, such as asking for clarification of a matter.
In classes, we are working on legitimizing and normalizing that we all get upset and frustrated. The difference is in the way we handle those situations. That is, in how we can self-regulate or calm down when we are upset.

‘Personal self-regulation refers to the ability to control our own thoughts, emotions, and actions. Through self-regulation, we are able to consciously control the amount of food we eat, whether we surrender to an impulse, the execution of tasks, obsessive thoughts, and even the extent to which we allow ourselves to recognize our own emotions. In this way, we can affirm that personal self-regulation is a vital process that allows people to behave properly, perform tasks in a timely manner, and refrain from activities that may be detrimental to their own livelihood. Self-regulation is therefore used in a number of processes including regulating emotions, thoughts, and actions of control, physical restriction, or behaviors’.
Our students address these issues with the childish naturalness of recognizing something that is their own. They’ve also shared their ideas for self-control when they’re upset. I share some of these ideas with you.
Of course, the class isn’t enough. It’s all a process. Each child in the particularity of their temperament, living conditions, and psychological profile requires a unique accompaniment to manage the anger and frustration they experience.
I invite you to work and reinforce these elements at home, to talk naturally about what we feel, and of course to be an example of self-regulation.
Arias, J. d. (2017). Aula Magna. Obtenido de Autorregulación y procesos de aprendizaje: http://cuedespyd.hypotheses.org/2878
NOVEMBER 2nd – Class Adjourn
NOVEMBER 13th – Class Adjourn (Administrative Session)
NOVEMBER 16th – Class Adjourn
NOVEMBER 24th – Report cards published in SESWEB