A sustainable Christmas
Por: Natalie Garcia Buhler, Directora de Mercadotecnia. EXPO En Verde Ser
December, a beautiful season to share and spend with the family, but this season brings with it an increase in waste generation, energy consumption and its consequent environmental impact.

According to “Secretaría de Medio Ambiente” (SEDEMA- in spanish) the amount of waste generated daily increases by 25%, For its part, the Fideicomiso para el Ahorro de Energía Eléctrica (FIDE) highlights that energy consumption is increasing this season by up to 30% due to the use of electrical appliances and series of lights. This, in addition to having an impact on the cost of the service, entails serious repercussions on the environment since in just a few days 5.5% of the carbon dioxide (CO2) produced throughout the year is emitted.
Given the need to reduce our polluting footprint, how can we have a more sustainable Christmas?
¿How to celebrate without generating a negative impact on the planet?
Buy Local

Local and seasonal food does not need to be transported from afar, or refrigerated to preserve its properties, which is associated with a lower carbon footprint. In addition, when harvested at the right time, they will taste much better and, importantly, it has repercussions on the local economy.
Buy what you really need and don’t throw away
40% of the food produced ends up being discarded on these dates. The solution is simple: calculate the necessary food very well and save / freeze / distribute the rest.
Lights and decoration

- For your decoration, consider using led lights that will consume up to 90% less energy and are safer.
- Recycle decorations from other years or transform them into a new item.
- Don’t use pyrotechnics; your pets and the planet will thank you. Fireworks produce various pollutants that accumulate in bodies of water or are dispersed in the atmosphere.
Disposable Cutlery/Dishes

The use of disposable with Styrofoam or common plastic are not a good option. Remember that many of them will end up in the sea, harming marine animals – even causing their death – or in municipal landfills. Use products that are Biodegradable / Compostable, these are a good idea!
Sustainable gifts

If you give away toys or electronics that use batteries, consider that they are rechargeable and do not forget to minimize the number of used packaging. Opt for gifts that, in addition to being useful, are environmentally friendly; These can be, for example, bamboo straws, garments made with recycled raw materials or an article made with biodegradable materials.
Talking about gifts ……Give away pets, is it the correct thing to do?

Take into consideration…
• Consider that the person is qualified to breed that species and really wants it.
• Having a pet is a great responsibility. You need food, going for a run and having fun, a space with clean amenities, eventually going to the doctor, vaccinations, etc. Much love, care and respect.
• If you decide to give or have a pet better ADOPT. It is a double act of love and we can involve the family in the selection process. Remember that there are not only shelters for dogs and cats, there are also centers for the adoption of exotic animals (rabbits, rodents, hedgehogs …) or we can look for an animal from a family that can no longer take care of it.

Enjoy your Holidays! Congratulations!