NUACHTÁN IB NEWS | January 2021
How to develop inquiry
By Pilar Lavín | PYP Coordinator
The attributes of the IB learner profile are necessary to make a difference in their own lives, in communities and in the world at large. These attributes carry a commitment to helping all members of the school community learn to respect themselves, others, and the world around them.

The IB learner profile represents a wide range of dispositions, abilities and traits that lead to intellectual, personal, emotional and social growth. The development and demonstration of the attributes of the Community Learner Profile embody the meaning that the IB places on the international mindedness.
At the School we are concerned with training people with an international mentality who, aware of the condition that unites them as human beings and of the responsibility they share in looking after the planet, contribute to creating a better and more peaceful world, this makes it possible a global community made up of educators, collaborators, students and their families.
One of the attributes of the IB Learner Profile is being inquirer: we are inquiring when we cultivate our curiosity and learn to investigate independently and with others, thus maintaining our enthusiasm for learning throughout life.

How to help your children to be curious and inquirers:
• They can look for books that are of their interest or hobbies, in libraries or bookstores.

• Make inquiries on the Internet about topics that you decide together to develop your ability to explore.
• As a good role model for your child, when you have no idea about a topic, admit your lack of knowledge and investigate together.
• It promotes the investigation by giving them options to search for information in newspapers or digital magazines such as ‘The Washington Post’, ‘The Herald’, ‘The Guardian’, ‘National Geographic’, ‘Travel + Leisure’, ‘Very Interesting Junior’, etc. It is essential to maintain a supervision of the sites our children enter.

It is also important that we encourage inquiry in our children, to detonate curiosity and the pleasure to learn more about topics of interest to them, to achieve learning that will be useful throughout their lives, lasting learning.