Claudia Molleda
INQUIRERS: They develop their natural curiosity. They acquire the necessary skills to inquire and conduct research, and they demonstrate autonomy in their learning. They enjoy learning and will keep this eagerness to learn for the rest of their lives.
Without a doubt, this year has represented great challenges for all of us in different aspects of our lives, but these challenges have allowed us to mature not only as individuals, but as humanity.

At Prepa Celta we have prepared for great changes and we will continue to do so, because as educators we have an enormous responsibility to continue learning, creating, growing. The teachers of the Prepa, through the MYP and CP programmes, have directed the students so that through all their knowledge they can achieve exceptional work, which will raise their own prestige and of our institution.
During this semester we will continue working with different universities to show our students the opportunities they have as part of the Celtic community and to open up the range of possibilities so that they can begin to define their future through a life plan.
For 11th and 12th grades we will continue with their Service activities, since today more than ever we must profess solidarity with the community members.

At the beginning of May, the CP generation will have their first external exams evaluated by the IB, we wish them every success in preparing these over the next few months.
Curiosity is one of the most important virtues that the human being has, thanks to inquiry, curiosity about our interests is satisfied, this leads us to want to learn more, to apply more and it becomes a virtuous cycle. Encouraging inquiry through different topics is a challenge, especially in the adolescence, when everything and nothing catches our attention at the same time.

Precisely, Career-Related Studies and in subjects such as Personal and Professional Skills are intended for students to begin to realize what things really catch their attention, to innovate and undertake through their deepest interests.
A few weeks ago, we experienced the 2nd Prototyping fair, of the Career-Related Studies “Entrepreneurship”, it was quite a challenge, a new totally virtual format, in which, by the way, both Marcela and Luis Altamirano participated as judges throughout the week. In this event, the 12th grade students showed progress in their entrepreneurial ideas and were strongly evaluated, in order to improve them and there is, in the future, the possibility that they will bring them to reality.
Now, I´ll leave you the texts of the professors Paola Hernández, Nayeli Sánchez and Juan Carlos Cruz who will let us know more about their subjects, important in de CP Core.
1st Meeting CreaCultura
By Jessica Paola Hernández Llamas
The CreaCultura Meeting, summon by UPAEP, was an exhibition space for the Project Pitch of Cultural Projects created by the 5th semester students of the Career-Related Studies in Cultural Management and Direction from different campuses, in which the students Julia Hidalgo and Montserrat Rodríguez were the representatives of this same line of formation of the International Celtic School.
In this meeting, the participants presented their project, which was evaluated by a jury that listened carefully to determine one of the winners of both blocks, who obtained the highest score in three areas: A) Social and Cultural Relevance, B) Creativity and Originality, C) Mastery of the Subject.
At Colegio Celta Internacional we are very proud of the successful participation of our students, and we celebrate Julia Sophia Hidalgo Trejo for being the winner of Block B, for her outstanding presentation and great social contribution that, we are sure, her project will have.
The students’ cultural projects were:

The guidance and monitoring of the students in the creation of their project has been led by the 5th semester Career-Related Study teacher, Professor Paola Hernández Llamas, with the support of the Coordination and Direction of the High School Section.
To relive the Encounter, please click in following link:
How is health lived in Celtic High School?
By Nayeli Sánchez Hernández
Studies is Health Coach, it has various subjects and approaches about the study of health. From 11th grade to the end of High School, through these subjects you can discover and expand your skills and knowledge related to health.

Throughout these 2 years, you will be able to navigate between various topics and acquire knowledge to improve your health habits and those of the people around you.
We start the path by taking a broad approach to well-being, both physical, mental and emotional, with various activities that will help you take actions and develop strategies that contribute to the well-being of yourself and environment.
In this semester, in the area of Integral Development and Happiness Studies, we had various sessions that helped the kids to find out the physical potential they had, through exercises that tested their laterality, strength, agility and speed, to recognize the human needs (real) and remember the situations that have led to happiness (true happiness).
It has been a different semester due to the pandemic and the current situation in which we find ourselves, but that has not prevented our classes from being fun and at the same time acquiring a great amount of knowledge, which will serve them for a lifetime.
Personal and Professional Skills
By Juan Carlos Cruz Aguilar
Young people who study the International Baccalaureate have solid foundations in their professional training, but how do they build these foundations? In the Career-Related Programme, students take one of the core components called Personal and Professional Skills, here we interact with elements of a reflective nature applicable in everyday life.

We invite you to reflect on the sculpture by Luciano Garbati (2008), ‘Medusa y Perseo’, which offers a different version of the Greek myth, on this occasion, the gorgon defeats the demigod and everything seems to apply to current feminist movements, including some People have identified with this work, however, we must stop to contemplate, reflect and go beyond the meaning of the work, ‘the dignity of the person’. The dignity that promotes a life of respect, equity, equality, promoter of good and defender of human rights to guarantee social stability.
Now, expressing our reflection entails a rational exercise and a commitment to our actions in favor of a better society. Personal and Professional Skills nourishes us with 5 interesting topics that I invite you to know in future publications. Don’t forget, your comments are welcomed.
‘Con plata en la cabeza y oro en el corazón’
By Ana Ozaeta Ávila