Four strategies for a successful change of habits
It is classic that with the entrance of the new year one begins with good intentions and the determination to change certain habits to improve our lives … The statistics show that around 80 percent of people fail in their attempt and already in mid-February they return to the old habits.

The reasons for failure are varied: either because we are too ambitious and choose unrealistic big goals, or because we do not have the necessary support to change our behaviors.

Any habit that we want to change to obtain a benefit in our favor is possible and to get used to it will take us approximately three weeks. This is confirmed by multiple studies that corroborate that what is needed to adopt a new pattern on a routine basis is 21 days.
Consider these research-backed up tips for sticking to and maintaining new habits:
1.- Know your “why”

For an initiative to be sustained, something has to be important, that has a positive impact on us. When these are connected to a deeper purpose, the obstacles that stand in your way (lack of time, inconvenience, distractions) are less likely to divert you.
2. Be Specific
It is easy to say «I will start meditating», «I will exercise daily», «I will study more», but when you really think about it, there is nothing very specific about those goals. So the key to turning a goal into action is considering where, when, and how. That is, to program exactly.
3. Communicate the change of habit

Research has shown that sharing goals and progress with others can help motivate us to achieve our goals. A support system will keep us honest and focused.
4. Change your environment
Who, and what, you surround yourself with can have a major impact on whether or not you are able to bring your new initiative to life. To set yourself up for success, take some time to analyze your environment. An honest evaluation will give some clues about what you need to change to reinforce your habit.
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January 12th, 2021