ECO friendly student guide
Areas and professions with highest demand for the coming years
The transition to a green economy, as a model that is committed to sustainable development, brings with it the emerging opportunity to access new businesses or jobs related to this change in the economic model.
Green jobs are defined as those dedicated to preserving and restoring the environment, whether in traditional sectors such as manufacturing or construction, or in new emerging sectors such as renewable energy and energy efficiency.

According to information on the website “The Balance Careers”, these 10 green jobs are the ones with more demand in the international labor market:
Director of sustainability
He is the person responsible for the environmental policies of a company. It is responsible for monitoring environmental impact and advocates proposing and promoting ways to improve it.

Constructor of sustainable buildings
It is an open job for engineers, architects, designers and other professionals linked to the sustainable construction of buildings.
Environmental lawyer
He advises his clients on issues related to air and water quality or waste. He is an expert in the regulatory system that has been designed to protect natural spaces and their exploitation for the benefit of society, as well as the human environment through the control of pollution and the efficient use of natural resources.
Studies the composition of soils and natural resources. They can work alongside environmental scientists.

Environmental engineer
Advises governments and private companies on the best ways to minimize the environmental impact of their projects. Its main function is to study environmental issues. Given the current situation in the world, engineering and environmental services are essential.
It studies the availability and quality of water, assesses the distribution, circulation, and physical properties of ground or surface water, and collects data and formulates plans to improve the resource.
Environmental scientist
He works for government agencies, consulting firms or companies, using his knowledge to make decisions that affect the environment, people or animals.

Urban farmer
Utilizes or creates green spaces on vacant lots, backyards, or building roofs. The land used for urban gardens can be private, public or residential in spaces such as balconies, walls, roofs of buildings, public streets or banks and old deforested groves of rivers.
Conservation scientist
Collects and analyzes data to help manage parks and forests and protect the environment, avoiding causing harm to native species, soil and water.
Urban planner
Most urban planners work for governments. It prepares comprehensive and prospective diagnoses on urban situations, and then summons experts or specialists to propose interventions through plans and projects that favor and facilitate decision-making in the short, medium and long term.

Fuente: En Positivo