8 keys to promoting happiness in children
By Vilma Medina
It is important to mention that parents must be the first to learn to be happy.
We cannot forget that the best learning tool that we offer our children is our own example. Although we may not even realize it, the little ones are watching us at all times: how we react in certain situations, how we speak, what we eat, even how we move! And, being their closest references, they take us as a guide and internalize our example as their own.
Based on studies by Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky and María Jesús Álava Reyes, here are a series of basic guidelines that help promote happiness in children.
In brief, it is about promoting gratitude, kindness, teamwork, communication, integrity …
There are eight keys to childhood happiness:

1 – Be nice. Kind children experience more satisfaction and energy, are more loving and agreeable, and enjoy social acceptance.
2 – Be thankful. Gratitude promotes mental stability and enriches children’s growth. Children value more what they have and their environment.
3 – Be positive. Children raised in a positive environment are more confident and believe more in themselves. They have more control of their mind.
4 – Do not label. Labeling of children should be avoided. Telling them ‘you are bad’, ‘you are a crybaby’, etc. They predispose them to shape their attitude to fit this profile.
5 – Do not dramatize. We must give their fair value to things and situations. We must extinguish behaviors such as insults or disrespect among others.
6 – Personal achievement. Children are happier if they achieve their goals on their own merits. We must encourage them in this matter.
7 – Autonomy. Stimulating the independence of children will enhance their self-esteem, security and self-confidence. 8 – Emotional intelligence. Children must learn to control and regulate their emotions to solve problems peacefully. That generates tranquility and harmony in their character.
By Vilma Medina | Director of Guia infantil | guiainfantil.com