¡Be part of this great experience!
Por Natalie Garcia Buhler, Marketing Director Enverdeser
Today you have the great opportunity to be the change you want to see in the world. Planet earth is a wonderful place, a beautiful space in which we live but it is also a space of vital importance, as humans we depend on it in its entirety.
EXPO En Verde Ser ONLINE April 20-23, 2021 EXPO & Conference 4 days by 24 hours. Register here
The data on pollution, diseases, catastrophes, etc. is increasing and more terrifying. It is time to take action, become aware and decide in which world we want to live. Everything we do for the environment and our natural resources are small big actions that together add up to millions.
Be amazed by products that you did not know that they existed, like:
Máquinas que transforman el plástico en aceite
• Machines that transform plastic into oil
• Bikes and electric fun
• Water and energy saving solutions
• Paper made of stone
• Food of the future, today
• Toxic / Cruelty free / Organic products
• Healthy life style
• Biodegradable
• Products to prevent pandemics in a sustainable way
Free event. Enjoy the EXPO with exhibitors and conference program of international stature.
I am sure this event will inspire the whole family in many ways.
Sign up here today!
Get to know the conference and exhibitor program at: www.expoenverdeser.com