To speak about cycles is to refer to a beginning, a start, a development, etc. Today, we begin a new step for our community in which we require the support from all of you.

Welcome to school year 2021-2022. We’re ready to start it with enthusiasm and new goals in our students’ development.
As member of the IB learning community, we strive to be knowledgeable, so we invite you each month to learn about the work we do from the academic and social-emotional area of our students.
Pilar Mones & Alicia Silva
Welcome to this school year 2021-2022, we expect it to be a great year. Whilst full of challenges, we’re already enjoying watching our students back in the classrooms.
It’s a pleasure to take this space to write and to communicate all the academic work we carry out in Middle School. We’ll be writing on a monthly basis, providing you, this time, with a brief overview of our work at the school and some of the tasks we perform:

My Name is Ma. del Pilar Mones. I have a Biologist degree from the UAG, with a Master’s degree in Family Educational Counseling by the Complutense University of Madrid, and a master’s intern in Management of Educational Institutions. Having worked in schools for over 20 years. For the last five years, I’ve performed as the Academic Coordinator in Middle School at Celtic School. We are at your service, looking forward to a successful school year.

I’m Alicia Silva. a Food Chemist by the UAZ and a master’s degree in Food Science and Technology by the UAQ. I am currently the Continuum Coordinator and Middle Years Program (MYP) in Middle and High School at Celtic School. I’ve been working at the school since 2017, as a Chemistry and United Nations Model teacher at first. Warm regards to all of you, wishing a great 2021-2022 school year.
Through these lines, we seek to bring you closer to the different students’ academic activities as well as to our faculty members, such as: accompanying students, teacher and student topics with an academic focus, a connection of the national program with the IB one, development of skills from the academy, results, and progression of national evaluations, participation in external academic events, etc.
Likewise, from the IB Middle School, Middle Years Program (MYP) where the core topics: attributes, skills, certifications, and the outcomes of this program, among others will be addressed in this newsletter.
We invite you to stay attentive to this newsletter to hear about the news and advances on academic and MYP regards.

Paola Llop & Eduardo Gallegos

Welcome, my name is Paola Llop Hernández, with a psychologist degree from Universidad Anáhuac Querétaro, I have a master’s degree in Systemic Family Therapy from the Marista University. I’ve had a private practice on family therapy for 4 years working with adolescents and adults. I’ve started working in the educational field 7 years ago. This is my third year at Celtic School in the Psychopedagogy Department.
We’re thrilled to start one more school year, full of challenges and great opportunities. It is a pleasure to be able to continue creating new learning experiences together.
We want to share with you that in our section “Development of our teenagers” you will be able to find endless topics related to friendship, boundaries, routines and habits, independence, anxiety, depression, self-esteem, emotional resources, tips for parents, among others. We invite you to join us learning about matters your teenager will be going through, and as parents, you should be ready for.

To us, teamwork is extremely important; as well as to provide information and to be part of the full development of our students. We hope you join us each month reading and learning together.

Greetings from the Celtic International School, we are glad to receive our students enthusiastically, with the purpose of keep on working in favor of their learning and training as principled people and citizens. My name is Eduardo Gallegos Juárez, Psychologist from Valle de Atemajac University, I’m about to finish a Masters in Clinic Psychology at the UAQ, with a research based on kids and teenagers.
I have worked on the educational and clinical psychological field with teenagers for 6 years, now. Currently, I work as Coordinator of Students Activities in Middle School at Celtic School.
In this section, you’ll find different ways to bond effectively with your children, since they are going through a stage full of changes on a personal, social, psychological, and emotional level, which may bring confusion and uncertainty at times.
Parental support at this stage can generate positive effects on your children’s behaviors, avoiding and preventing many risk situations that may happen at that range of age, especially in the area of coexistence with other young people and in the way of establishing healthier interpersonal relationships.

It is important to establish clear and effective communication channels among all to be able to generate a full development in the adolescents enrolled in the institution and to achieve the goal that, in the future, they are principled human beings capable of relating to their environment in a healthy and effective way. We hope for and appreciate your company and attention to learn and grow together.