More money, more happiness? 7 points to improve

For the eighth year in a row, we received the World Happiness Report that ranks 156 countries according to the degree of happiness that their citizens perceive themselves.
In the same report, the results showed the greater satisfaction obtained from the inhabitants of the Scandinavian countries, with Finland in the first place.
Happiness is studied as a science and receives the attention of new/modern researchers.

This is the case of the professor of psychology at Harvard University, Daniel Gilbert, who based on his numerous investigations, defines happiness as a place that we can visit but not stay. We know which things give us happiness and which ones, take it away from us but we do not know how to keep it.
Gilbert is the author of several books, including the popular Stumbling on Happiness, which was on the New York Times bestseller list for 6 months.
Another interesting aspect that the teacher has analyzed is the influence of money on happiness. Money «is an opportunity that people routinely squander because the things they think will make them happy often don’t,» he says.
Based on his research, this is what you should do with your money:
· Invest in experiences and not things
· Spend part of the money helping others
· Better enjoy small whims and many, than large and few
· Spend less on insuring assets
· Analyze the practical use of what you buy
· Stop comparing purchases
· Share shopping experiences with your friend