An excellent opportunity
By: Natalie Garcia Buhler / Marketing Director Enverdeser
Thanksgiving gay is a typical celebration of American culture.

It commemorates when in 1621, in Plymouth (Massachusetts), a group of Native Indians rescued a group of settlers. The Indians showed them how to grow their own food and in autumn the settlers offered a celebration where they shared their food.

Today in some countries, it is taken as a date to meet with family and friends to share food and give thanks for different reasons. Its an excellent opportunity to carry out different activities where you reflect on the subject, here we present some questions to inspire you.Who is always there for you and how do you feel about it?
- Who is always there for you and how do you feel about it?
- Who has helped you become the person you are today?
- What is something that inspired you recently?
- Have you experienced any blessings in disguise lately? What positive thing resulted from this?
- Did you had the opportunity to help someone recently, how did you feel about it?
- What choice have you made in the last year that you are grateful for making?
- What is the most beautiful thing you saw today?
- What are the three things that your arms or legs allow you to do that you enjoy?
- What are you continually grateful for?
- Is there someone you want to thank but still haven’t been able to do it? Who? Can you do it today?
- How do you feel about having electricity, water, gas, food and in general the comforts of modern life?

We can sit back and dwell on our problems all we want, trying to force a solution. But sometimes the best way to fix what isn’t working is to focus on what is first.
Everything becomes easier when we overcome fear, despair and nurture a grateful and hopeful heart.

Del blog de Nana González /