End of the year, semester closing, and conclusion of projects
From Claudia Molleda’s Desks | Prepa Celta’s Principal
We are standing in a temporality in which when we recapitulate what we have done, we realize how much progress we have made in a year and, particularly, in a semester. For many of us it has been a challenge; however, this allows us to appreciate much more what we do and what we have achieved in each dimension of our lives. We have had the great fortune of having a solid community that generates mutual support, that undoubtedly makes us all grow.
Although, it has been a year of many changes, we have realized how resilient we are and what we are capable of doing.

Summarizing, we have had the participation of people who have supported us from a professional perspective in statistics, in ITGS, MUN, Language and Literature. We have had important internal achievements, such as the first 3 places in the Entrepreneurship fair 2021 at UPAEP, the podcasts that some students with teacher Paola have prepared and that have an excellent quality, the Mexican Sign Language class, the high marks in the CP moderations, and the Professional Training Studies with our first generation of graduates from the program, in short, a series of achievements that have been reached due to the excellent teamwork, to which, of course, the students, teachers and you, parents belong to. I consider of utmost importance to thank you for all this that we have advanced during this first semester.
Next, I share the capsules that were directed by teacher Jessica Paola Hernández Llamas and in which the students Sofia Soto Brien, Ivan Lemus Mejia, Rogerio Silva López and Mariam Abd Rabbo Rodriguez, the writer Rocío Benitez and the teachers of the High School participated. Everyone is Celtas´s Pride
Special cheers to Sebastián Ugalde García, Ximena Robledo Gordillo, Iván Lemus Mejía and Professor Javier Ramírez Carbajal for obtaining the first 3 places in UPAEP´s 2021 Entrepreneurship Fair. They are Celta´s Pride!

The IB and the development of Service skills
From Juan Carlos Cruz Aguilar´s Desk | Prepa Celta’s Academic Coordinator
Living the IB experience in Prepa Celta is an incredible adventure because we reflect and develop skills in a demanding context of social commitment. On this occasion, we present how from the experience of the Career-related Studies [CS] of Entrepreneurship along with the Service Learning subject, a group of young people decides to venture into humanitarian aid for minors suffering from cancer.

These significant experiences are what distinguish our students for their personal, academic and social commitment towards building a better society:
… We live in a society where fewer and fewer people decide to act directly, we live so surrounded and immersed in so many digital media that it is often easy to forget what direct humanitarian aid consists of. We, as a team, are aware of the situation and want to provide help. After thoroughly analyzing each one’s skills and their relationship in the area of entrepreneurship, we realized that we had the necessary components to start a business of design and sale of artistic products [our own] to obtain money and so be able to provide help to the vulnerable community …
The real benefit that we get from any experience, beyond the academic, is the satisfaction that we can improve, even a little, their day [through food and fun]; since it isn’t easy to cope with suffering a disease of this type and, in some way, we like to think and feel that we can generate a significant change in them (From Service Learning portafolio Pamela Carmona, Diego Rosiles, Joshua Arias, Oswaldo Rojas, Diego Perez and Ivan Lemus).
In our next posts, we will share other activities that we carry out in favor of society and the development of skills at Prepa Celta.
LEXIUM: An comprehensive approach to our students
From Tania Peña Guerrero’s Desk | Psychopedagogy Coordinator and Vocational Counselor at Prepa Celta

Knowledge and comprehensive approach to our students is of vital importance for Prepa Celta. In this way, we can offer them specialized attention in order to continue working towards optimal integral development. For a couple of years now, the tool that has allowed us to have this type of approach is Lexium. A digital company, entirely devoted to the field of education; which by means of different techniques allows us to evaluate, diagnose, as well as generate action plans in the face of what is detected, which allow us to attend the areas of opportunity in our students in a timely and proper manner, both academically and emotionally. During September, the test was applied to our Prepa Celta´s student community and in October, results were delivered in a personalized way to parents; this in order to provide a comprehensive overview of their children in the academic and emotional aspects, as well as involving them in the learning process. The openness and disposition of the parents was as always favorable and enthusiastic. We deeply appreciate their involvement in this type of activities, which, as we have commented in other moments, always appeals to the integral well-being of their children and to our improvement as an institution.
Swimming Excellence, Alberto Baruch
From Hugo Valencia Peña’s Desk | Students Activities Coordinator
At Colegio Celta Internacional, we work under the philosophy that a student’s education must be comprehensive in all its aspects; that is why it seeks to support those students who have managed to stand out in different areas other than academics such as sports. This is the case of our Prepa Celta student: Alberto Baruch Lara Abrego, who definitely, and from a very early age, was able to find the balance between his academic development and sports life, standing out first in local competitions until he was able to do so on an international level.

Baruch, is a swimmer who began his sporting career at the young age of 7, but his drive and dedication gave him the opportunity to excel in his first international competition at age 9 at the FAR WESTERN CHAMPIONSHIP in San Jose, California.
From there, and with the unconditional support of his family, Baruch has continued to train in the complex swimming discipline, becoming a great competitor in events such as the 50, 100 and 200 breaststroke, 100, 200 and 400 individual medley, 50 and 100 butterfly and 50 and 100 meters free.
He has more than 400 medals from 1st to 3rd place, obtained in national and international events, which shows his great athletic ability and commitment in everything he does.

Likewise, he had the opportunity to be our country’s representative at the NORTH AMERICAN CHALLENGE CUP, in San Diego, California, from where he was able to bring the first place to Mexico.
Baruch’s training and learning does not stop there, as he is currently preparing himself for national events in 2021 and 2022 as well as the National Olympiad.
Without a doubt, at Colegio Celta we are proud of all the achievements you have obtained and will continue obtaining over the years, as well as we are happy to continue contributing and supporting your education so that you continue being a great example of perseverance for all your classmates.
Congratulations Baruch, you are Celta´s pride!