The Spirit of Christmas
A great opportunity
Por Natalie Garcia Buhler Directora de Mercadotecnia GCU
Christmas is a religious holiday in which we celebrate the birth of Jesus, in fact, the word Christmas, comes from the Latin nativĭtas, nativātis which means ‘birth’.

The celebration known as the Spirit of Christmas, dates back, more than 2000 years.
Its origin is astronomical and its primary meaning was to celebrate the beginning of the arrival of the warmest days.
The ancient Nordic and Celtic people celebrated their faith around the phenomena of nature. The Druids (priests) conducted rituals to invoke the forces of the so-called Spirit of Christmas.
Today, The Spirit of Christmas is conceived as an energy that comes from the center of our solar system and that arrives year after year to give peace, love, harmony and joy.
Activate the «Spirit of Christmas»
Light the star of Bethlehem
Thank God (or the energy that floods the universe) for all the benefits you received like: life, family, friends, health, love and economic prosperity. Open your heart and mind.
Sharing is always a great satisfaction, this is a great month to do it. Fix a small lunch or dinner and share happily and with gratitude to people who need you, who don´t have the resources for that delicious food. You can share clothes, shoes, or items in good condition that you don’t use.
Scents: Apply mandarin and pine scent, it lifts the energy, spirits and good humor.
¡Have a great Christmas!

Fuente: / Con información de: Alida Cleer