Love for science
¿How to promote it?
Encouraging science in girls and boys helps to create critical thinking, analysis, problem solving and in the long run you are ensuring a genuine interest in knowledge and possibly a successful career.
1.- Science promotes discovery, creativity and innovation. «Creative» toys puzzles, legos, games to connect electrical pieces and others are for boys and girls. Girls also like to explore, learn, experiment and analyze.
2.- Tell true stories about the natural world that help us understand and create useful and wonderful technologies that do the least possible harm to people, society and the environment.
3.- Discuss the positive link between science and technology, teach that science is present in mathematics, history, literature, economics, politics, etc.
4.- Let your children try a hands-on activity each week like trying an experiment in the kitchen, investigating how airplanes fly, how a certain appliance works, or playing with a new learning toy.
5.- Promote daily curiosity and of course, have important facts in mind that lead your children to investigate more.
6.- Visit science fairs, museums and do fun activities where various concepts can be explained, such as how G forces work in mechanical games in amusement parks.
Science is fun, useful and accompanies us at all times.
Con información de: Bach. Jonathan Moreno /