IKIGAI Japanese Philosophy
Your raison d’être

According to Japanese philosophy, everyone has an ikigai, which a French philosopher would translate as raison d’être («reason for being»).
Having a clear and defined ikigai, a great passion, gives satisfaction, happiness and meaning.
If you already know what your passion, what you are good at, what makes you get up every morning, you just have to put it at the center of your life and enjoy it. If you don’t know it click on the video and find it.
To know more click the video
10 Keys to live your IKIGAI successfully
1. Always be active, never retire
Whoever abandons the things he loves and knows how to do, loses the meaning of his life. That is why, even after having finished the «official» working life, it is important to keep doing things of value, moving forward, bringing beauty or usefulness to others, helping and shaping our world.
2. Take it easy: Rushing is inversely proportional to the quality of your life.
3. Eat just enough
4. Surround yourself with good friends
5. Get in shape
6. Smile
7. Reconnect with nature

8. Be thankful to: Your ancestors, the nature that provides you with air and food, your companions in life, everything that illuminates your daily life and makes you feel happy to be alive. Dedicate a moment of your day to give thanks and you will increase your wealth of happiness.
9. Follow your IKIGAI: Inside you there is a passion, a unique talent that gives meaning to your days and pushes you to give the best of yourself
10. Live the moment: Stop regretting the past and fearing the future
Fuente: el secreto japonés para vivir más y mejor Por: cuerpomente.com