By José Trejo
Our 2005 category was proclaimed champion by winning against its similar Inter Qro, with a score of 4-1, led by Prof. José Juan «El Muña» Morales, in a very close match where our students knew how to take advantage of the game and their skills, in order to achieve the championship of their category.

In the 2011 category, led by Prof. Trejo, they managed to proclaim themselves Bicampeons by beating their rival IFAC, in a back and forth match, with outstanding performances by the goalkeepers, the score was kept at zero to zero, it was not until the 23rd minute of the first half when ‘Juanpi’ solved in a magnificent way to open the scoreboard 1 to 0, which would eventually be the championship goal.

The boys of the 2010 F-7 category, also directed by Prof. José Juan «El Muña» Morales, achieved the sub championship after being defeated with a last minute goal by their similar Unisoccer, in a game where the first minutes the nerves were evident with a score of 2 to 0, but later they were able to recover and tie, 2 to 2, failing some plays that in the end would be key, it was not until the compensation time when everyone was already thinking about penalties, that the rival team scored the championship goal. It is worth mentioning the excellent participation of these boys, who in their first tournament won 2nd place.

Our 2010-2011 F-9 category is proclaimed champion in its category by beating in penalty shootout to its similar IFAC, where our goalkeeper was the hero by saving 3 penalties.
A game where in the first half we were outplayed by the rival team with a score of 1-0; it was the second half of the game when the team readjusted to show good soccer, having possession of the ball and good arrivals. It was not until the 15th minute of the second half that Diego Trujillo scored the equalizer, the remaining minutes were dominated by our students, who despite having several more opportunities, could not get the advantage to reach the championship during regular time. It would have to be until the penalty shootout where our goalkeeper Maddox Estrada saved the 3 penalties that in the end would give the championship to our students, rising as worthy champions of their category.

By Pedro Rodríguez
The athletics team of Colegio Celta participated in the inter-school JAGUARS Cup 2022 last Saturday, June the 4th. Where our students demonstrated their high level of preparation, which obtained a harvest of 33 medals. Congratulations Athletics Boars!

By Eduardo Torres de Anda
Last June 16th, the event ‘Cuadrangular de Básquetbol Colegial Plenus’ took place, facing Colegio Asunción in the first instance where our team performed very well, having as a result: Asunción 7 – Celta 33, moving on to the next game.
In this change there was no rest, the match started immediately and our team had a great performance against Sunhill’s team being down by three points, with a score: Sunhill’s 14 – Celta 11. Achieving, finally, the second place of the event.
We thank all the players and parents for the effort shown, proudly Celta Soy!

By Abraham Juárez
On June 25th, the last stage of the ‘1st Intercollegiate Swimming Circuit’ took place at the Plenus School facilities, with the participation of our representative team where all our athletes gave excellent results obtaining a remarkable improvement in their personal records.

We wish great success to Miss Leticia Araujo, who will be participating from July 22nd in Colombia, in the 2022 Panamerican Masters Swimming Championship, proudly representing Mexico.