New stages to come
From the desk of Claudia Molleda | Principal of Prepa Celta
Dear community:

July is here and with it the time for renewal. We thank you all for your evaluation of the educational service we provide at Prepa Celta, as it allows us to rethink what needs to be improved in order to live new experiences within our space.
Thank you very much for your advice and, above all, for your constant support in the formative process of our students.
During the beginning of the next cycle, we will be presenting you with new ideas, precisely, aligned to all the observations you have made during the course of this cycle and, of course, at the end of this one.
We wish our 12th grade students, who are graduating from high school, great success in their upcoming university life, they will always be welcome in this, their second home. We ask you to help us by sharing your experiences with our 10th, 11th and new 12th graders soon. Thank you so much! Without a doubt, with pride, we are Celta!
Closure of the Middle Years Programme
From the desk of Alicia Silva | MYP Coordinator and Continuum Leader

At the end of the school year, in addition to the 12th grade graduation and closing ceremonies for each section, the Middle Years Programme certificates will be awarded.
These certificates are issued and sent by the International Baccalaureate to 11th grade students, who receive a certificate that recognizes the skills acquired and strengthened during their passage through the programme, in middle school and the first year of high school.
The skills that our students demonstrate will be with them in their academic and personal lives.
The skills of the IB approaches to learning are based on the belief that learning to learn is fundamental to students’ lives, both in and out of the school context. Broadly speaking, IB programmes help students develop:
Thinking skills
Communication skills
Research skills
Self-management skills
Social skills
Approaches to Learning skills and related secondary skills help learners of all ages demonstrate agency and regulate their own learning. Using a variety of strategies, MYP teachers plan implicit and explicit opportunities collaboratively to develop approaches to learning both within and outside the IB programme.
IBO (2022). Learning and teaching. 06/13/22, from International Baccalaureate Website:,Habilidades%20sociales
Classroom Activities
Celta’s Horror Film Festival
By Ana Isabel Christlieb | PAI and POP Literature Teacher
As part of the American Literature course, 10th grade students learned about the characteristics of horror literature in the United States and its main representatives. As a result, they divided into teams and wrote an original film script.
During class time, they explored the three main stages of filmmaking: pre-production, shooting and post-production, as well as the different important elements in each one. Some of the topics covered were: storyboard, types of framing and camera movements, production design, the use of color, editing and montage, and sound effects. All this with the purpose that each team presented a short horror film during the Celta’s Horror Film Festival, which took place last Friday, June 10, at 1:00 pm.

During the event, the 5 short films were shown and the following categories were awarded:
- Best Screenplay
- Best Cinematography
- Best Actor/Actress
- Best Director
- Best Film
- Best Editing
- Best Visual Effects
- Best Sound Effects and Music
- Best Production Design
This event not only reinforced the coexistence among the students, but also contributed to the development of critical and creative thinking, teamwork, time management, and the cinematographic and artistic appreciation of each one of them.
Closing of the School Year
From the desk of Tania Peña | Psycho-pedagogy and OV Coordinator
«What shall I leave with?
Shall I leave nothing behind me on earth?
How shall my heart act?
In vain do we come to live, to sprout on earth?
Let us at least leave flowers…»
Dear Students Class of 2019-2022:
A crucial stage of your lives is coming to an end for you; this is the moment in which each one of you will begin to carve out your future and, with it, the future of society.
Today, each and every one of you has already chosen the trench from which you will fight for a more harmonious world in all senses, using as weapons the knowledge you have acquired throughout your school career.
Language is undoubtedly a fundamental tool for human beings, we hope you know how to accompany the knowledge about it, with respect, tolerance and tact, every time you address someone else, thus turning your words into an incentive and never into something negative.
Mathematics, Calculus, Physics, Chemistry, are subjects that teach us the importance of measurements, of formulas to solve problems; we hope that throughout their lives they know how to balance all the areas in which they will develop, giving each one the importance and the time they deserve, that in every adversity they know how to identify the elements to give the best and most assertive solution.

Last but not least, always remember your history, where you come from, who have accompanied you throughout this journey, having it clear, will always be an incentive and will help you to be clear about your goals.
At Prepa Celta we hope to have contributed in a positive way to your formation, not only academically, but also as human beings.
Best regards.
New stages to discover
For our beloved 12th grade students
By Prepa Celta Teachers

Dear 12th grade students, I wish you, that in this new stage that you are about to live, many emotions, achievements and joy; that everything you dreamed of in your university life comes true and that soon we can see you again as professionals. Never forget your high school years, which will undoubtedly be one of the best you have ever experienced. Thank you for the moments you gave to each and every one of us. Best regards, Miss Clau
Dear students: I wish you great success in this new stage that you are about to begin, full of challenges, adventures, growth and much learning. Remember that Celta School is your home and its doors are always open to you. Miss Maye
Hello, kids. It gives me great pleasure, after the online classes, to have had the opportunity to give you classes in person and to be able to share the classroom with you. There were many good moments that we had during that time, which seemed like a short time to me. It fills me with pride to know that you will be fulfilling your dreams; you are leaving high school, but we will always be here when you want to share your college experiences. I love you, I send you a big hug and I celebrate with you the end of this stage. Miss Naye

After this experience of studies and learning in your Prepa Celta, a short stay, compared to all that life has for you, I hope that your paths are full of personal and professional success. Remember to always carry your dreams with you, work for them and do everything with love and passion. Miss Jessica Paola
Great people turn an everyday day into an extraordinary matter, that is how it was for you here and that is how it will be at the university. Teacher Miguel
Hi, guys! I send you my best vibes in your new university stage, enjoy it and treasure it very much. With love and respect. Teacher Hector
Guys, congratulations for this great step, I am grateful to have been able to accompany you in this stage of your lives and your training. I wish you the best of luck in this new adventure in which you will embark, I am sure you will find success in everything you set out to do. I love you very much and, although you will be missed in the classrooms, I am happy to see how much you have grown in these three years. I send you a big hug and my very best wishes. Teacher Carlos

Dear students: Congratulations to each one of you for having concluded this high school stage. I wish you the best in your professional and personal careers, fight for your dreams and remember that adversities happen to us with the purpose of learning and acquiring life experiences. Life is an eternal learning process, so give the best of yourselves every day. With love your Miss Mariana
Every road has an end, however, that does not mean that it is the last road. In your passage through Prepa Celta you have left countless experiences for those of us who share your stay, be sure that we keep the best of you and use it to be better day by day, we hope in the same way to have contributed in your academic and personal formation, and that like us, you also take with you a small part of everything we tried to give you. We wish you a new path full of challenges that will allow you to grow, and know that your Prepa Celta will always be open to you. We wish you all the success Class of 2019-2022. Hugo

Reaching graduation time requires effort and dedication, it is a race of endurance, not speed. You have made many sacrifices to get here; I am very happy and proud of you. Congratulations on this great triumph in your lives. Teacher Toño
Just to congratulate you for your great achievement, and hoping that this will be a great platform to achieve next triumphs in your life. I wish you a very high flight. You will be greatly missed. Monce- Infirmary
My heartfelt wish for you to be good, successful, grateful, humane people who appreciate the extraordinary in everything ordinary. Every beautiful expression is important and even more so if it comes from the heart, it can transform your life and the lives of others. Miss Jesica

Younglings: be proud of your School that has formed you and prepared you for the challenges of university life. Feel confident that the knowledge acquired and skills developed in your formation constitute a solid foundation for building the house of your dreams and vocations. Feel confident and strive for success, congratulations! Teacher Jhonny
«He who sows in times of crisis, reaps in times of plenty», you, Class of 2022, undoubtedly had to face unique situations and challenges, take the good, let go of the bad, give meaning to what you have experienced in these 3 years. Here you will always have someone in the best disposition to listen to you, recognize you and support you. Javier Carbajal
These three years that we have shared space, both virtually and in person, have been full of emotions. Not only have I seen you grow, but you have also helped me grow as a person and as a teacher.

I wish you much success in your life, and may you never stop searching for what makes you a better human being. Fight for what is truly important and always show empathy and companionship, which is what is missing in the world.
Don’t forget to look for me if there is anything I can help you with, or just to chat. A big hug to all of you and congratulations for concluding this stage. Ana Isabel Christlieb.