Small Radio Readers / Pequeños Radio Lectores
By admin No Comment
10Nov, 2020
Podcast by: Mtra. Paoline Hernández
We invite you to enjoy audio stories, audiobooks and original stories for the little ones at home and… elders ones too!
All the stories contain different themes and in each episode, and depending on the section, you will meet all kinds of monsters, curious facts for curious children and stories that will take you to travel and explore other worlds through your imagination.
Let’s imagine with our eyes closed and our ears wide open!

Follow me on the podcast’s social networks:
- Facebook: @pequenosradiolectores
- Instagram: @pequenos_radio_lectores
Coming soon, Radio workshops for children, workshops to promote reading and writing for children and broadcasting to participate in the podcast “Children count”.
Original content, created and read by Paoline Hernández.
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