During the month of November, several academic activities were held at the Celta High School, among which it is worth highlighting: the enrollment of the first generation of the Career Related Programme (CP-IB), the CISMUN 2020 and the Celtic Prototyping fair 2020.
Eighteen students were enrolled in the Career Related Programme- IB and internal assessments will be sent to the IB next January.

Regarding CISMUN 2020: Celta High School had an excellent participation with the 12th student Marimé Brocado as Secretary General and several other students who participated in the different delegations. Eng. Rose Bedolla coordinated the organization of this great event.

Regarding the Prototyping Fair, Eng. Javier Ramírez Carvajal, who is also head of the Entrepreneurship subjects, organized it. Next, I leave a brief review of the event that Javier Ramírez himself gives us:

The Celtic Prototyping Fair 2020 (virtual format), will take place from November 24th to 27th of the current year. It is an event designed for the students of the last year of the Career-related Studies Entrepreneurship, in which they will present their business proposals. The main elements are the prototypes of products or services, however it is also intended that students have a first approach with society and their potential market, so they must test their skills as entrepreneurs and their mastery of the conditions that can influence the success of their proposals, this through the defense of their projects.
The event is formal and will be open to the community in general, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. through the Zoom platform. It will be an enriching space in which significant knowledge and strategies can be shared regarding the planning and implementation of projects and motivate students and the general public to continue developing ideas that positively impact the development of Mexico and its people.
Career-Related Programme (CP)
By Claudia Molleda | CP Coordinator
CP students have the opportunity to experience a large number of activities that allow them to complement their integral development. Being bold, they dare to generate new ideas that allow them to investigate more about the professional and personal world that awaits them, generating various projects that allow them to reflect on their learning and the opportunities that are to come in their life.
Here is the text of Prof. Antonio Ayala Simonín, leader of the Reflective Project, who tells us about the advantages of developing it.
The Reflective Project is a core component of the International Baccalaureate Career-Related Programme and aims to develop intercultural understanding and promote reflection on the study of professional training in the life of the student. (Austin Pickard, 2019)
Ethics-based education is extremely important (Gülcan, 2015), since it will prepare students for the decisions that they will have to make beyond the classroom in the personal and professional environment.

Students decide to explore a topic related to their Career-Related Study (Entrepreneurship, Health Coach, Cultural Management) and analyze an ethical dilemma and possible solutions; they need to study the points of view of the parties involved, understand cultural, social, economic and political aspects that revolve around the situation in order to conclude on the best solution to the dilemma (if there is one).
Some explorations that our 11th and 12th graders are working on are:
Entrepreneurship: The replacement of labor by machines or A.I.
Health Coach: Ketogenic diets for the control and regulation of body mass.
Cultural Management: Body stereotypes in classical dance.

In each exploration, the student will search for the best solution to the dilemma, based on different perspectives, understanding interculturality and observing communities from the point of view of a world citizen.
Austin Pickard, R. (2019). Reflective project for the IB CP: skills for success. Hodder Education.
Gülcan, N. Y. (2015). Discussing the Importance of Teaching Ethics in Education. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 174, 2622–2625.
Personal and Professional Skills

During the month of November, the 12th grade students had the opportunity to live a lecture with M. Marcela Altamirano Medina, who spoke about the importance of a good communication and how this process should be carried out to really meet the objectives that one is proposed. We thank Miss Jesica Ibargüengoitia García who organized this session and who continues to search for experts on various topics to offer our students transformative experiences. We are very grateful for the contribution of M. Altamirano, for her commitment to the community.

Here are some comments about what our students learnt:
‘If you want to communicate, you really need to know how to listen, in order to understand each other and let the message flow, it is useless just talking and not letting the other speak. Communication depends mostly on body language and voice, much more than words’. Ana Ma. Pacheco
‘What is active listening, and noticing that they really listen to you and know that it will not always be 100% of their attention, and that the way or form you do it is very important’. Carlos Hernández
‘That communication with each person is different but that we always have to learn to listen. It is important to do so because each person has a different way of interpreting and beliefs. Apart from talking and trying to communicate, there must be the cooperation of the people present so that everyone listens and the message can be allowed to flow making good communication’. Ma. Fernanda Barroso