María del Pilar Mones Urtuzuástegui
Academic work, during the time of the Pandemic
During these times of pandemic, in the academic aspect we have made an effort to comply with everything that is expected of this area, to achieve in the best way the development of the contents, as well as the students’ own abilities.

At Colegio Celta, we have adapted to this new modality and I can proudly say that the work has been very good. The teaching staff has known how to take out the caste, using virtual means, call it Zoom, Teams or PROVESA platform, making the most of each of them. Also using the equipment and resources that the school has, to be able to teach very effectively, the classes from their classrooms.
We have worked with the schedules of each subject in order not to leave aside any important topic to see, for the correct assimilation of the essential contents.
In the same way, we have worked with the schedules, trying to give our students, your children, adequate time to deliver class activities, as well as moments for special reviews or take tutoring class on any subject in which they require it.

On the other hand, students and parents have been monitored to report on their performance in the academic part, either through tripartite meetings with the support of the psycho-pedagogical department and tutors, as well as through emails, with the aim that all meet their deliveries, and their grades are satisfactory.
In the section we are satisfied with the work carried out during this pandemic, hoping that you also feel the same way with the support provided to the community, always with a view to a comprehensive quality education.
Middle School – With pride, Celta We Are!!!!
Alicia Silva
Evaluación del Programa de los Años Intermedios
Among the strongest characteristics within the International Baccalaureate are its high standards of educational quality and the responsibility to ensure that the implementation of each programme in each school is faithful to the IB mission statement.

The main objective of the evaluation of IB programmes is to help schools to continuously develop their capacity to implement IB programmes, in order to have a greater effect on student outcomes through the development of teaching practices and leadership.
This evaluation allows us to participate in a process of reflection that leads to a deeper understanding, both of the aspects of the programme that are being implemented effectively and the aspects that need to be further developed.
This type of follow-up strengthens us as a learning community where parents, students, teachers and the leadership team actively participate.
It is an opportunity for schools to receive meaningful and context-appropriate feedback and support from the IB about the school’s programmes, leading to continuous development and improvement supporting the efforts we make in the programme.
This reflection and evaluation is constant in each programme and soon we will be calling our community to participate in this improvement exercise. If you want to know a little more about the IB, we invite you to read the IB news section in the newsletter or at our website

IB mission statement
The International Baccalaureate® aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.
To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment.
These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.
Paola Llop
«The art of living life»
Hello Celta community, today I want to share with you a topic that you have surely heard constantly this last year, it is not only important to know its meaning, but also how to develop it.
I’ll give you a clue … it is a psychological process of adaptation that arises in the face of adversity. Yes! That’s right, we will talk about resilience. Now, can we build resilience in our teens?

The answer is yes, we can develop it, I will share some techniques that could help you strengthen your teenager’s resilience.

- Develop a family network as safety for him or her. It is recommended that you be honest with your teens, answer their questions adjusting the answer to age, but never lie to them, that will create mistrust.
- Adjust the amount of news they listen to or watch.
- Help them set realistic goals and establish the small steps to achieve them.
- Let’s foster positive self-esteem. Let us remind them of their abilities and how they can help them to overcome situations. For this we can also set an example with our positive attitude when facing problems.
- Teach them that difficult times are learning opportunities and that change is also part of life. It is important to teach them that change is part of life and that goals are replaceable and can always be readjusted to our possibilities.
- Talk to adolescents about our own feelings in stressful situations, and show them security when expressing them. Also ask for their opinion to resolve a conflict of your own or the family so that in the process they learn too.
- Always educate on emotions, especially if we are dealing with teenagers because at this age they feel emotions very intensely and it is difficult for them to cope with the events that surround them. Explain that many of the things they feel are intensified by hormones. Ultimately, make a home a safe place for emotional expression.
«Difficulties prepare ordinary people for extraordinary destinies» – Lewis.
Written by Psic. Paola Llop
Bibliography Azahara M. (2018). “Resiliencia, el arte de vivir la vida”. Recuperado el 14 de abril de 2021 desde
Carlos Zermeño

One of the main aspects in developing healthy interpersonal relationships is communication. This transmission of signals and messages from a sender to a receiver sometimes encounters difficulties because the language or the code is not the same in both parts.
That is, each individual, from its personality, family and sociocultural context, has learned different and particular ways of relating, understanding emotions and affections. What if my particular way of understanding affection or love was different from how the people around me understands it, friends, family, girlfriend, boyfriend, brothers, sisters, wife or husband?
According to the author Chapman there are 5 languages of love. Chapman emphasizes that we all tend to express love and prefer to receive it in a specific way.

1. Words of affection
They are words that are sometimes said carelessly and have a very positive effect on the other person. It increases confidence in yourself and well-being.
It is recommended to use specific phrases: «I love you»; «I have loved this or that thing.»
2. Quality time
Sharing our time with the people we care about. Dedicate ourself to carry out activities, accompany, dialogue, listen without rush or distractions.
3. Gifts
There are gifts made by the person him/herself or bought with a lot of effort, which express a lot of affection. The economic value of the gifts does not necessarily show the love and affection of the person.
4. Acts of service
Being of service to others can be very pleasant and rewarding for some. Cooking, doing housework, doing errands can be some activities that are carried out for the reason of paying attention to loved ones.
5. Physical contact
It is the most common and direct form of communication. Kisses, hugs, caresses, the touch of a foot, to name a few; they are a way of giving and receiving affection. The contact can generate security and tranquility, and the lack of misunderstanding in some cases.
It is important that everyone knows their way of giving affection and the way they like to receive it, as well as communicate it to those who deserve it.
Chapman, Gary. (2009). Los cinco lenguajes del amor. Navarro Sánchez, María Esther. (2019). Los 5 Lenguajes del Amor. 10/04/21, de Psicología y Mente Sitio web:
- Mónica Antuna (Middle School Principal) |
- Ma. Del Pilar Mones (Academic Coordinator) |
- Alicia Silva (MYP Coordinator) |
- Paola Llop (Department of Psychopedagogy) |
- Carlos Zermeño (Student Activities Coordinator) |