It’s a pleasure for the whole Elementary School team to welcome you to this new school year 2021-2022. We’ve been preparing for this return with great enthusiasm and the necessary measures for it to be safe.
Watching the hallways coming to life again has been one of the most emotional moments during the former week. Watching students’ happy faces joyfully coming back to school.
We’re certain that this will be a great year, we wish all our Elementary students and faculty members loads of success.
Please note that:
- The first filter is at home, avoid sending your children at any suspicion of symptom of illness.
- Bring to school two or three spare face masks.
- Bring enough hydration from home.
During these early school days, our faculty members and students have been working on integration activities as well as social training ones. It’s important for our school community to become aware of the measures we must take to be safe. Our students made some posters to share the social rules to be followed within the school.

On your marks, ready… And back to school!
From Psychopedagogy’s Department
As you know, we’ve started the school year 2021-2022 and our return has been consisting of a great variety of feeling, challenges and opportunities. Furthermore, we’ve been allowed to continue learning from the different modalities (face-to-face, hybrid, or online.) Even when it is and it’ll continue being a great challenge, we’re confident in the implementation of the different strategies from and at home, just as at school. We’ll resume routines, creating new opportunities to foster self-management skills (time management, attitudinal, and discipline.)

Having regard to the above, we’ll continue working collaboratively, with great pleasure from the Psychopedagogy Department, Miss Carolina Zamora Esparza (Low Elementary) and Miss Gabriela García Santillán (High Elementary) in Elementary School, provide you with some recommendations that can favor this return:
- Validate your children’s or your own feelings under any circumstance.
- Provide spaces for listening as a means to identify the emotions and manage them confidently.
- Shed light on unexpected changes or any signs of warning signs that may occur in their behavior.
- Perform some exercises that allow you to achieve an emotional and spiritual balance, (e.g. Mindfulness strategies.)
- Find the relevant instances to share concerns at home with the school.
- Be models of balance (adults) through the assertive expression of their positive thoughts towards the changes that life brings. Anticipar actividades o tareas, que les permitan como familia estar más tranquilos evitando situaciones de estrés.
- Anticipate activities or tasks, which allow as a family to be calmer avoiding stressful situations.
- Analyze and select the news, verify that the received information is reliable, and does not generate greater doubts or misinformation.
- Be a model that allows your children to perceive that, in the face of what may arise, those who are at home transmit confidence, security, and tranquility.
- Continue or restore eating, sleeping, and study habits as a form of caring for the body, mind, and spirit.
- Maintain the sanitary measures established in our community.
- Set aside time to have fun individually or as a family.

Remember that our individual and family well-being is still a priority, so we believe that these self-care strategies will support full development as individuals, family, and community.

Dates to keep in mind
• September 6th – Student Council Call
• September 16th – No classes
• September 17th – Registration of candidates
• September 20th – 1st Unit of Inquiry starts
• September 27th – Candidate’s Campaign
• Sepember 29th – Parent´s Making a Difference | Zoom session | 6:00pm