The Assembly to commemorate the beginning of Mexico’s Independence was held recently. Our community, acknowledgeable for its great participation, could enjoy our students’ performances, to whom we congratulate for their great artistic qualities sharing some of Mexico’s culture with all of us.
Student Council Elections

Regarding liberty, this activity has been carried out in Elementary for several years, which allows the students to experience an election process as close to reality. By doing it, the development of skills is promoted from a social and constructive approach.
Students must compose electoral rolls with a member from 4th grade, one from 5th grade and one from 6th grade and submit three proposals with a social, sports and ecological matter. This allows students to get to know each other, live together, as well as generate creative ideas of common concern.
Once the proposals are authorized according to their relevance and viability, the electoral rolls are registered to contest the elections.
During the campaign, visits to the classrooms are carried out in order to make the voters aware of the proposals that will be carried out during the school year.
Once the campaigns are finished, the voting day is assigned and with the support of INEEQ, who provides us with the material used in local or federal elections such as polls, ballot boxes, stamps and generates the ballots and tally sheets, this activity is carried out.
The representatives and secretaries of each group act as poll workers and are in charge of delivering the ballots and verifying the identity of the voters so that they can cast their vote. Afterwards, they are in charge of counting the votes and writing the minutes with the results of the voting in each polling place.
In addition to the fact that the students love to participate and enjoy it very much, this exercise is a great opportunity for them to develop many skills, attitudes and demonstrate agency. Among all that can be observed in the students, the samples of leadership, initiative, willingness, creativity, sense of community, and social responsibility stand out.

By Susana Ferrer Molina | Graduate In Visual Arts

To learn, create, do, know, appreciate and recognize, beauty, aesthetics, expression, culture and feeling are some of the words that describe the Art in the Celtic School.

For us, appreciation goes hand in hand with production, our purpose is not to train future artists, without leaving aside those who have great potential to achieve it, we are interested in children developing sensitivity to the world that surrounds them so that they become better individuals. Culture strengthens the spirit, leading us to generate better ideas, regardless of the area in which we develop. Art makes us better people, if we are able to observe a piece of art, we will be able to be moved by day-to-day events, we can find beauty even in the most mundane and unnoticed.
Since the origin of humanity we have had the need to create and recognize the beauty in what we do, as proof we have those extraordinary cave paintings where each stroke is magical, anecdotal and bearer of extreme beauty. Within education we find the same manifestations, we have the use of symbols and the scribbling of the little ones as an opportunity for expression and aesthetic recognition. As they grow older they begin to understand that Art has a meaning, that it is created to communicate and that, in turn, it is the reflection of life itself. Little by little, on their own, they find differences and analogies with other disciplines and the way in which they relate and complement each other, thus developing thinking, communication, research, social and self-management skills.

Art is not an unimportant parallel in the life of human beings, but a part that has characterized man throughout the history of humanity and that as a mirror, it reflects each era. Art does not lie, it will always be honest despite what is fair or unfair, harmonious or atrocious, love or hate.
Art is learned with and through art. Creating does not consist simply of do-do, it is necessary to involve a cognitive process, both technical and theoretical; For its study it is necessary to go back in time and obtain historical, cultural and plastic information, thus coming to understand in a better way its importance in the life of man.
The need of having more creative, sensitive, children and with a greater capacity to solve problems is what has led us to seek the implementation of a program where it is understood that Art is an important part of human life, which has accompanied throughout its history and therefore, at Colegio Celta, it is an essential part of its academic curriculum at all levels.

• OCTOBER 28th – Halloween celebration | Short day: 12:15pm.
• OCTOBER 29th – CTE | No classes