Prepa Celta’s News
From Claudia Molleda’s Desk | Prepa Celta’s Principal

The university fair is one of the most important events we have during the school year. It allows students from 10th grade to start thinking about what their professional life plan is, what career to study? Where? Why? These are always some of the questions that arise and, therefore, we have established a different perspective of work in the Educational Guidance class, where students will be working to reflect on their tastes, their abilities, etc., and according to it, generate a series of options to determine what to study. It is essential to do a lot of research and think carefully about this step, since it determines a large part of the path of our life. It is also important to consider that IB education opens up excellent opportunities, especially gives students skills for their future life, the fact of including subjects such as MUN, literature, Creative writing, Reflection and Personal projects among other subjects, gives them a different perspective on life and allows them to inquire to have and find different arguments to explain their ideas. Our teachers describe some of these strategies below.
Model United Nations
From Javier Ramirez’s Desk | MUN Teacher

The Model United Nations (MUN) is a space for students to have an approach to multiple events (past, present, and future) that have an impact on relationships and the structure of the global context in which we are living. Through the representation of the different Councils and Committees present in the United Nations, students are provided with the conditions to develop and enhance their research and communication skills, both in Spanish and in foreign languages, as well as to generate high-value interpersonal relationships. MUN is the perfect opportunity for students to put into practice a series of knowledge and skills developed through the continuum in their academic formation taking the attributes of the IB profile as its axis.
Throughout their work in the course, students will have to learn, analyze, interact, communicate and reflect both in the classroom, as well as in other schools and institutions; and, of course, in our own Model United Nations (CISMUN) where additionally, they must plan, manage and control its operation, generating a sense of belonging and responsibility that we are sure they will carry with them not only in their next stages of academic and professional formation, but also in other aspects of their lives.
National Holidays 2021
From Juan Carlos Cruz’s Desk | Prepa Celta’s Academic Coordinator
It is an honor to write these lines about the Mexican National Holidays because they fill the heart with pride and awaken the feeling of courage in the face of any adversity.
The National Holidays represent freedom, perseverance, peace, honor, identity and dignity of all Mexican. For these reasons, at the Celtic International School, each year, we intend to promote an integral and dignifying vision of the history of Mexico since we see ourselves represented in the colors, the anthem, the harangue and the life experience that we cry out for freedom: let the chains of oppression be broken, let us break the yoke of discrimination, end up with insecurity, defeat femicides, overthrow corruption, be a more just, comprehensive, progressive and free society to act for a better future.

Now, it is time for commitment and fidelity to our ideals. From this trench, I call on everyone to build, with daily commitment, a better Mexico for those of us who live today and for our future generations.
Let us proudly say, Celta, I am!
The importance of Literature in Education
From Carlos Valdez’s Desk | Literature Teacher
Throughout history, we’ve had the need to express ourselves, to express what we feel and what we think; humans are social animals and understanding each other is something we try almost by nature.
Art is an amazing tool that allows us to express how we feel, what we think, and represent our world, our values, and our ideas. Given that literature is one of the oldest art forms that exist, being one of the six Fine Arts according to the classical division, it allows us to get to know the ideas, values and emotions of people who lived many years before us, and long-lost civilizations.

But the study of literature can go even further, the themes that are reflected in stories are universal themes, human themes that we can identify with and relate to; books not only open the doors to these old worlds, by studying the classics, we can have experiences that we didn’t have firsthand, we can reflect on them from our day to day, our daily routine, and learn from them.
For example, reading The Great Gatsby not only allows us to know about the social dynamics and class division of the early twentieth century, but it also allows us to reflect on the social dynamics that we face every day in our society; epic poems not only show us the values of these ancient civilizations, but they also help us reflect on our own values, and the qualities we give our heroes.
Reflection is a vital part for the development of other skills such as open-mindedness, and empathy; Literature can help us approach different worlds, different stories, different minds, and different life experiences.