New beginnings
From Claudia Molleda Ortega´s Desk | Prepa Celta´s Principal
New Year always brings us ideas of things we want to do and that we have pending, it is a good time to gain momentum about the actions we must take to make changes in our life. Let’s not forget that when we set a deadline and set benchmarks, we can determine how far we’ve made progress on our goals. And it is precisely that we must stop desiring things and manage ourselves to undertake them, through the clear establishment of objectives.

For our 12th grade students, the closure of the High School is coming, many are already in the admission processes with some of our agreement universities, they are close to seeing some of their objectives materialized.
With the 11th graders we will begin to work on their vocational options more consistently and constantly, as well as beginning very interesting projects now that they are clearer about the components of the CP.
10th grade students will be about to close their personal project, a very challenging stage without a doubt, as it will be time to make their products that will be shown in May to show their work to the community.
In short, we have a lot of work to do and especially for the well-being of our students.

We remind you that we are always opened to listen to you to work on improving the Celtic High School.
Solidarity in times of pandemic and the IB experience
From Juan Carlos Cruz´s Desk | Academic Coordinator
It is a pleasure to greet you again, on this occasion, we will share the significant experience that a couple of our High School students have implemented to support our fellow men and that day by day denote joy and commitment.

Our theme is solidarity, at the IB it is described as follows: we show empathy, sensitivity and respect. We are committed to helping others and we act with the purpose of positively influencing people’s lives and the world around us. (IB, 2013, p.2)
I invite you to read these lines written by Maria Jose Anaya and Ximena González (2021).
“… I think it is very important to mention that we are working with an institution, this is called ¨Sinankay Geriatric Center «, we decided to support the current situation that we are all experiencing. Seeing the needs of this nursing home, we decided to support them with pantries, this so that they do not lack food due to lack of budget since all the people who are there do not have all the financial support of their relatives.
At first we didn’t really know what to do and what to do to raise funds. As we already mentioned, the problem that exists in that nursing home is the low amount of food. Speaking Human Resources of the nursing home, he mentioned the main causes for which they agreed with the support, and this is because many of the elderly people who are there do not have the financial support of their families and with this we are living it is difficult to be able to feed many people.
We have many things in common, we had a very good idea and great support for them from us. One of our skills that we have in common is getting along with people and it is something that right now helps us a lot to be able to raise the funds we need.
The skills that we can develop during the service are to be more agile and innovative in things that we can sell and that it is not always just a cheesecake or flan. Now, due to a pandemic, I think it is a little easier to sell desserts since there is always a craving and no matter how complicated it is, they are going to buy us.
Serving during a pandemic has been a great challenge for us since many times we do not coincide to work together or also to sell it is always a challenge since it costs us a bit of work to convince people to support us. In the end we always have fun and meeting our goal makes us very happy because we realize the support we are providing, and it is something that we really like a lot.”

This is how the IB experience transforms our knowledge into commitment, for this reason, the pedagogical principles that we promote guide teaching to a social process.
IBO. (2016). Solidarity in the continuum of International Baccalaureate programs. RESEARCH SUMMARY. In : caring-across-the-continuum-sp.pdf (
Middle Years Programme
Delivery of certificates of the Personal Project Generation 2021
From Alicia Silva’s desk | MYP coordinator and IB Continuum leader
During this month the IB Personal Project certificates will be awarded to students as part of the closing of the Middle Years Program (MYP). The MYP certificate is issued directly by the International Baccalaureate, it is a document that supports the learning approaches (skills).

In the four years of the MYP, students develop, strengthen and apply skills that at the end of the Programme will be their most powerful weapon during their work on the Personal Project. This Project consists of choosing a topic of your interest and developing a learning objective and product. The students’ decisions are accompanied by a teacher who fulfills the role of supervisor and guide throughout this 9-month process.
On January 28 we will carry out the peak moment of the Personal Project with the delivery of certificates to our 2021 generation. I want to congratulate all the boys who from virtuality carried out the entire process of their Personal Project, with all the challenges that it involved both for them and for supervising teachers. I really enjoyed working with such bold guys, good communicators, and critics. I learned a lot about managing and accompanying students online and although it was a great challenge; I remember these moments very fondly, as well as my students.
I hope it is an experience that you can treasure and remember as a time of much learning.
Congratulations generation 2021 for successfully completing this stage.

CreaCultura Forum
From Jessica Paola Hernández Llamas Desk | Cultural Management Teacher
Last Thursday, November 25, the CreaCultura Forum was held, a space for the exhibition of the work that the students of the Professional Training Study (EFP) in Cultural Direction and Management from UPAEP have carried out over three months, for what the students Rebeca Martinez Zarazua and Santiago Juarez Adame from Colegio Celta Internacional High School represented their creative projects with pride and quality: «Rock-That!» (Digital blog) and “Humanízate” (Digital portal for social transformation), created from the EFP given by teacher Paola Hernández Llamas.

This sample consisted of the presentation of his project pitch to endorse the most important points of the basis of his project, such as: 1) Name of the project, 2) Problems to be solved, 3) Model of service for the community, 4) Definition and delimitation of the community, 5) Resources to be used, 6) Key actors necessary for the launch and / or growth of the project.
In case you want to review the participation of young people in the CreaCultura FORUM, and a little more about the event, the link is below :
Congratulations to Rebeca and Santiago!
Radio Magazine Druidas Tallerícolas: messages to share

We live in a time when we are all prone to being influenced by the media, which condition our consumption in free time: news, music, series, movies, and in many cases, our voice and authentic interest are delegated for these dizzying exchanges to which we are exposed on the internet. That is why in the subject Reading and Writing Workshop, the creation of content was proposed based on the interests of each student, it was thus that each student decided to investigate a topic close to and of genuine interest to expose it as a radio capsule.
Undoubtedly, many were the skills that were worked on in this project; from the delimitation of a topic, the investigation, the writing of a script, the rehearsal of the reading aloud (applying concepts such as radio imaging and vocalization), to the recording and editing of the capsule using digital programs. Two examples of excellent quality, which are a reflection of all the benefits that the power of communication has: comprehension, active listening, writing, and reading, were the works presented by Diego Beltrán with the capsule entitled: «Depression» and Nadia Rojo with: «Multiversos».
Listen to it in the following links:
We move away from the visual scene, to dispose our ears to a new territory, and share messages of value that promote imagination
From Hugo Valencia Peña’s desk | Student Activities Coordinator
More and more certainty, but without stopping take the necessary care, our community is resuming normal activities with the pleasure of being where we have not been in a long time, of seeing colleagues and friends that we stopped frequenting, of witnessing events that unite us as people, but above all as a family.

That is why last Friday, December 10, the event called «Reencuentro Navideño» was held in the theater of the School, where all the sections of the School prepared a pleasant surprise to welcome you to this time of year and have the opportunity to celebrate it with our families.
Prepa Celta´s case, we were able to see our students in action with a dance and Christmas mix: Kiara Jiménez, Valentina Molina, Sofia Soto, Frida Basurto, Perla Jasso, Sarahi Borja and Natalia Valdez, who participated in an extraordinary way showing all present their incredible talent and creativity on stage.
We are proud to have purposeful and enthusiastic students like you, congratulations! Celta Proud
A deal that touches the heart
From Tania Peña’s Desk | Psychopedagogy and Vocational Guidance Coordinator
After 15 months at home, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, all of us who participated in the education sector were extremely anxious to be able to return to face-to-face classes.
It was an illusion that was cherished since January 2021, but which, due to health protocols, came to fruition until the end of August of this year, that day a special and unpublished section began within the field of education.
We went home on March 19, 2020 and returned to the classrooms on August 30, 2021, in this period, the illusion of returning was idealized and we all thought that we would return to the normality that we previously lived; however, as usual, reality overwhelmed us.

Going back to the classroom has not been easy for anyone. The teachers have remained in a process of updating on technology, the students, for their part, returned to the classrooms eager to enjoy socializing with their peers; However, in common, we all returned to a scenario that demands us every day to strictly comply with health protocols, to take care of ourselves and others, both at school and at home. Perhaps this is the greatest lesson of these two school cycles that the pandemic has taken in its hands, reminding us that we have a bigger responsibility at all times with ourselves and with those around us. Taking care not only of hygiene measures, but also of the treatment we give to others, have been complex, uncertain times and among the best contributions we can make to the lives of others is a friendly treatment.