By Georgina Pérez | Elementary Principal

February is a month that fills us with great joy, especially Valentine’s Day celebration that our students enjoy so much. It is at school where the human being lives the first experiences that lead him to establish friendly relationships. The strong ties that are generated often lead to friendships of many years, who does not remember those great childhood friends, I am sure that many of you still have that great friend from elementary school, middle school or high school. At the school, we celebrate the value of friendship each and every day, but it is in this month that it is given a very special space, notes, little gifts, flowers, exchanges, a song, a poem, in short, any sample that strengthen.
Cambridge Certifications
By Elizabeth Jasso | English Coordinator
It’s time to talk about our Cambridge certifications. Last year our 2nd, 4th and 6th grade students had the opportunity to take their English certification exams: Pre A1 Starters, A1 Movers and A2 Flyers, respectively, with excellent results, which make us feel very proud. Our students not only showed their communication skills but also the acquisition they have had of the language within the School.

Let us remember that our English program is designed in such a way that students naturally and constantly practice listening, reading and grammar exercises. This helps them become familiar with the format of the exams and be able to answer them spontaneously.
Similarly, our teachers generate learning experiences that help students to present or defend their opinions orally, looking for new vocabulary that is enriching not only for their units of inquiry, but also for a fluid conversation in their day to day.
In addition, we must remember that these certifications are carried out by a prestigious institution such as Cambridge English, which enjoys wide acceptance and recognition worldwide in the work, migration and educational sectors. At the same time, the certifications will help our students develop their language skills and improve their English step by step, as each certification is designed to consolidate the skills developed in the previous level and lay the foundations for the future level.
For this reason, our students feel calm and confident when presenting their certifications.
Alumni Agency
By Pilar Lavín | PYP Coordination

Our understanding of the learner forms the basis of how we approach learning and teaching. Children inquire, question, wonder and theorize about themselves, others and the world around them. They are avid observers and explorers. Through their experiences and interactions, they naturally develop complex, multi-layered perceptions and understandings. The PYP enables students to become agents of their own and others’ learning through the concept of ‘student agency’. Students’ agency is related to their confidence in their ability to succeed (self-efficacy).
Conceptualized by Albert Bandura in social cognitive theory, agency “enables people to play a role in their personal development, adaptation, and self-renewal in times of change” (Bandura, 2001).
PYP students who demonstrate agency have initiative and will, and take responsibility for their own learning. They lead their learning with a strong sense of identity and self-confidence, on their own and with others, thereby developing a sense of community and an awareness of the opinions, needs and values of others.
When students have agency, the role of teacher and student changes; the relationship between these is considered an association.

Students take initiatives, express interests and doubts, make choices and are aware of their learning objectives. They actively participate, keep track of their learning and adjust it as needed. Students offer feedback to others and make inquiries about decisions that affect them. At school, they take responsibility for their learning and work collaboratively with teachers and peers to plan, present and assess learning needs.
Teachers recognize students’ abilities by listening to, respecting, and responding to their ideas. They conduct reasoned analysis and make decisions with an emphasis on relationships, dialogue, and mutual respect.
Students demonstrate agency when they:
- Influence and direct their own learning.
- They hold elections.
- Express opinions.
- Ask questions and express doubts.
- They communicate their understanding grip.
- They build new meanings.
- Participan y contribuyen en la comunidad de aprendizaje.
Reference: From principles to practice. Retrieved from:
Technology: A tool for education
By Lic. María Guadalupe Landa | Professor of Technology

Over time, technology has managed to become an indispensable tool both in everyday life and in the educational and school process, the importance of good management and use of it empowers and allows human beings to communicate.
The possibilities that ICTs give us are endless. Among its positive impacts is improving educational processes and facilitating recreational activities for students, managing to support learning processes:
- Collaboration. They can encourage students to express themselves and interact with other classmates in face-to-face or virtual courses, which allows them to learn interactively and without depending on being in a certain place. For an academic project, it is no longer necessary for a group of students to meet in person to do it.
- Time optimization. Teachers and students can reduce the time in which they carry out their activities, since they can be more efficient. In the case of academics, they can spend more time on their own training.
- Flexibility and adaptability in learning. More advanced students may have additional content at their disposal, and those who need reinforcement can use support materials.
- Greater communication with students. Technologies have fostered communication between teachers and students through virtual environments of the subjects.
- Costs reduction. The use of new technologies in education allows cost reduction, since no physical material is necessary and everything can be done through a program or app.
- Immediacy. Students and teachers can quickly and efficiently search and deliver quality information in real time.
- Exploration. New technologies allow students to satisfy their interest in knowledge in areas unknown to them, self-providing new knowledge.
In conclusion, technological tools can favor education and boost the talent of students if, as teachers and parents, we guide their learning. Hence the importance of all children and young people having access to ICTs.
The importance of discovering reading from childhood
By Carmen Weber | Kells Library
«Reading has saved me, not my life but my spirit. Reading is protection and refuge in difficult times. And in times of peace and happiness, reading continues to be a refuge for the spirit. It does not besiege, it welcomes. It does not reject, it opens.»
-Catherine Clement-

Books are a fundamental pillar in the cognitive and emotional development of the little ones. Embarking on reading from childhood not only provides delight and pleasure, but also brings a magnificent cultural, scientific and literary heritage. It is a most effective transport, which brings us closer to new and interesting worlds.
Reading is a wonderful interactive process in which an important relationship is established between the text and the reader. The importance of acquiring this habit from an early age is based on its benefits when studying, acquiring knowledge and the possibility that children experience sensations and feelings with which they mature and learn, laugh and dream.
Reading not only stimulates language, it also develops concentration, memory, mental agility, and also helps children express what they think and feel more accurately.
What is shared early reading?

We call «early shared reading» the literacy activity in which an adult reads to one or more children. In this context, «reading» means that children not only hear what is read, but also that they can look at print and pictures.
The “Tell me a story” project that took place during the months of November and December at the School was a great opportunity to promote an interactive process.
A moment in which parents enjoy, resume reading with their children and share with their classmates a story that has a special meaning. The emotional bond is strengthened both in the family and with their peers. Stay tuned because we will repeat it.
As one of the mothers who participated in the project commented:
«I want to take advantage of this opportunity since my children are at an age where they no longer want me to read them a story and I have to share that it was a wonderful experience.»

Books are an ancient form of entertainment and throughout history they have influenced the configuration of our culture, personal identities, world politics and much more. Books are really important.
Assertive communication and healthy relationships
By Psic. Carolina Zamora | Psychologist Low Elementary
Communication is of the utmost importance in the development of social skills and it is through it that our children can show others what they think, what they like, what they do not like, express their opinions and even set limits.

Communication comes in different forms. This can be verbal and non-verbal. In the first, we find both the spoken word and the written word, and in the second, we have gestures, images, tone of voice, and body language.
Assertiveness allows us to express emotions without getting upset, defend our rights, tastes and interests in a direct, functional and simple way. Without attacking others and without allowing them to attack us.
Assertive communication is a positive personal attitude when it comes to relating to others, it consists of expressing opinions and positions, avoiding disqualifications, reproaches and confrontations. It is one of the most appropriate ways for interaction and communication between people.
Optimizing our relationships is not just saying what we think and how we say it. It is also understanding one’s own needs, those of others (empathy) and being responsible when expressing and acting.
Here are some strategies to encourage assertive communication and healthy relationships in our children:

- Invite them to express how they feel, express what they think and express what they would like to happen. This without attacking others and without submitting to the will of others.
- Avoid disqualifications.
- Look at the person they are talking to; eye contact is essential for assertive communication.
- Invite them to ask questions when something is not clear to them.
- Listen to others and seek to be heard.
- Motivate them to express their points of view respectfully.
- Show clarity and honesty when communicating.
Let us remember that we are social beings, that we relate through the word, so we must all take care of the form, the tone, what we say and how we say it.
«We are born with the capacity for empathy. An ability to recognize emotions that transcends race, culture, nationality, class, gender and age.»
-Mary Gordon-