Unique Friendship
Friendship between animals exists.
Making friends is not only a human quality. This is confirmed by the research of primatologist (at the University of Michigan) John Mitani, who showed that animals also have this ability.
For his study, he followed two chimpanzees in a national park in Uganda for 17 years and found that they exhibited human-like behavior.

Hare and Ellington, as he called them, shared food, protected each other in fights and stayed together all the time, when Ellington died, Hare was sad and introverted as if he were experiencing deep mourning.
This study, allows us to understand the origin of friendship.
Here, 15 examples of unique friendship between animal. It doesen´t mean that if you bring these species together they will be friends, on the contrary, they will most likely attack each other, but for some reason these very special animals generated bonds that we could call: Love or friendship.
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