7 actions to travel responsibly
In recent years, destinations that offer ecological and sustainable activities have become very relevant.
The principles of sustainability refer to the environmental, economic and socio-cultural aspects of tourism development.
Therefore, in order to carry out a truly sustainable tourism, environmental, social and cultural responsibility must also come from the travelers. Here are some actions for tourists to contribute to sustainable development.

Try eco-friendly experiences:Several tourism activities seek to promote environmental care and have programs to protect natural resources. These options become a great alternative to live a new family experience where the care of the planet is promoted.
Support the local economy: Many municipalities live largely from tourism. By visiting them, enjoying their seasonal gastronomy and acquiring their products or services, which in general are natural products transformed into works of art.
Avoid unicel at all costs: Opt for biodegradable products.
Destinations are your home: take care of them.

Take care of the flora and fauna: Protect the flora and do not take plants, flowers and NEVER animals. It is very difficult for them to adapt to your environment and they usually die after much suffering.

Use sunscreen and / or natural biodegradable suntan lotion: This type of products are incredibly polluting and responsible for killing thousands of species of marine flora and fauna.
Choose lodging in hotels and places where environmentally friendly actions are taken: such as saving water and energy, recycling, seasonal food, local consumption, etc.

When we travel, destinations welcome us and offer the best they have to make our experience unforgettable. As tourists, we have the responsibility to care for and help preserve these beautiful places, so that new generations can also have access to them and enjoy them as much as we do.
Fuente: María Alejandra Castaño El Espectador y Mundo Sustentable shop