3 important activities
Respect and peace in action
Respect is a very important value that must be cultivated daily at home, family, school, friends and all the people around us.
It has an essence in life, based on the community and teamwork which leads to create an atmosphere of cordiality and security.

On the other hand, Peace implies respect, will and opportunities. Respect for life, ways of thinking, cultural, social, political conditions… Willingness to contribute to its construction and opportunities.
Next March 21nd, we celebrate in Mexico the Birth of Benito Juaréz to whom we owe this great phrase «Among individuals, as among Nations, respect for the rights of others is peace», something so important to understand and apply in this time of conflicts in the world.
We present you 3 activities about respect you can do with the support of all the members of your family or friends.

1.- Activity number one consists of several people sitting in a circle and writing on a sheet of paper the positive qualities of their partner on the right. Then, all the sheets are thrown into a bag, mixed up and read aloud by an adult so that the rest of the participants can guess which person it is. The activity is a lot of fun and requires children to focus on positive things rather than flaws.

2.- We can all learn to respect other people through games, so the next activity is to gather a group of children, young people and/or adults and ask them to take a precious object with them. Then each person is asked to explain what it means or why they like it. The objective of this game is for children to realize that each person has different feelings, opinions, ideas and tastes and that objects do not represent the same thing for everybody, as well as the points of view of others.

3.- Nature, animals and plants deserve respect, for this reason, an excellent dynamic to encourage this habit is to have children help adults to water plants, pick up garbage or take care of a pet. Children can participate in bathing, brushing and feeding a dog, as well as separating garbage into organic and inorganic.
When children learn the value of respect, they are more likely to become tolerant, understanding and patient people.
Start with these activities with your children from a young age and address other values. For example, look for dynamics on empathy, another value that is just as important and necessary to maintain a healthy relationship with other people.
Fuente: ¿Cómo practicar el respeto?